Birds of Southwest Florida covers the area from Punta Gorda south to Marco Island. This waterproof guide beautifully illustrates 127 species of birds that can be found in southwestern Florida. Black-whiskered Vireo, Florida Scrub Jay, Short-tailed Hawk, Snail Kite, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Mangrove Cuckoo, Limpkin, Wood Stork are some of the “specialties” included in this guide.
This pocket-sized guide features color photos in a side-by-side format that makes it ideal for field use. It includes common and scientific names, length, wing span and season when these birds can be seen. Nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy using this guide.
ISBN: 978-0-9824905-6-3
To flip through the electronic sample,
click the arrows.

Larry got his first 35mm camera at 12-years old and has been taking bird and wildlife photographs ever since. He has contributed to the book titled “A Birder’s Guide To Florida” by Bill Pranty.
Larry wrote the chapter on Homestead and helped with the sections on Miami, the Florida Keys, and Everglades National Park.
Larry co-authored “A Birder’s Guide To Metropolitan Areas of North America” by Paul Lehman and sold by the American Birding Association. He also contributed many photos in “Birding Florida” by Brian Rapoza as well as photographs for several birding magazines and Ken Kaufman’s “Birds of North America”.
Larry also leads bird tours around the U.S. and West Indies.