Butterflies of Central Texas

Butterflies of Central Texas is a durable laminated folding guide, perfect for carrying in the field. The slender dimensions fit in a pocket or backpack. Covering 83 butterflies found throughout the Hill Country, from Waco to San Antonio to Fredericksburg, the layout allows for quick comparison between similar species. Typical wing positions at rest are shown (open vs. closed) for each species and many caterpillars are also included.
Informational text gives both common and Latin names, size, larval host plants, and flight seasons. Tips on finding butterflies and caterpillars are given and the life cycle of the Gulf Fritillary is illustrated. Nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy using this guide.
ISBN: 978-0-9824905-0-1
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Valerie Bugh is a naturalist specializing in the arthropods of the Austin area, with interests in taxonomy and photography.
She runs the Fauna Project at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, leads insect discovery walks, provides insect/spider identifications, and gives talks to local organizations. Website: www.austinbug.com
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