Trees of the Pacific Northwest
Did you ever wonder what type of trees are all around you? The forests of the Pacific Northwest are truly amazing. This guide will help you learn about 40 of the most common native species found in this region. Using crisp, clear photographs along with short, detailed descriptions you will learn which trees are present here.
Each species depicted includes a short description of their features including size, leaves, flowers, fruit or cones, habitat and range.
With this guide you will look at the common trees around you and be able to identify them!
This 12-panel guide, conveniently folds up in to a packet narrow enough to fit in a back pocket, glove box or backpack yet sturdy enough to stand up to outdoor use—durable lamination also makes it waterproof.
ISBN: 978-1-7328752-2-7
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Duane Sept is a biologist, professional free-lance nature photographer and writer. Duane’s award-winning photographs have been published internationally in books, magazines, newspapers, displays and others. He is the author of 30+ natural history books including Common Mushrooms of the Northwest published by Calypso Publishing which is a best seller many times over! He is also the past president of the Sunshine Coast Mycological Society in British Columbia.
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