
Peppers: From Sweet to Heat

The health benefits of peppers, both sweet and hot, are widely known. They’re packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, and they’re low in calories. And then, there’s the varieties of flavors—from the sweet to the heat!

This guide is an easy-to-use visual reference to a wide variety of peppers and includes a handy introduction to the Scoville Scale to show you where each pepper ranks of the scale of sweet and mild to hot, hotter, and hottest. There’s also Information on when to harvest the ripened fruit, and suggestions on how the fruit is commonly used in the kitchen.

Whether you’re a gardener looking for purely ornamental plants, a backyard farmer looking to plant and harvest for the table, or the chef shopping for the perfect spicy note for tonight’s dinner keep this handy, folding, laminated guide in your shopping bag for your next trip to the garden center, the produce aisle or your farmer’s market.

ISBN: 978-1-943334-57-5

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Wildflowers of Central and Southern Utah

Home to 9 National Parks, Monuments and Recreation Areas, this region is renowned for outstanding  canyon and desert scenery, which continues into adjacent Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.

A stunning array of wildflowers is found, especially in the Spring months: Spring extends from March in the lower deserts to July in the high plateaus above 11,000 ft. Vivid color photographs highlight a cross-section of these beautiful native flowers, with text describing key features such as size, habitat and blooming period.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-13-8

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Wildflowers of the Northern Rocky Mountains

This area includes 3 major National Parks (Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Glacier/Waterton), plus a host of mountain ranges – from the Wasatch and Uintas of Northern Utah to the Canadian border.

Almost 100 beautiful species have been chosen to illustrate the enormous range of colors and forms that are to be found from the valleys up to almost 14,000 feet. Vivid color photographs are supplemented by text describing key features such as size, habitat and blooming period.

A companion guide to the Southern Rockies almost doubles the number of species, many of which are found in both regions.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-12-1

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Wildflowers of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

This area includes 3 major National Parks (Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Glacier/Waterton), plus a host of mountain ranges – from the Wasatch and Uintas of Northern Utah to the Canadian border.

Almost 100 beautiful species have been chosen to illustrate the enormous range of colors and forms that are to be found from the valleys up to almost 14,000 feet. Vivid color photographs are supplemented by text describing key features such as size, habitat and blooming period.

A companion guide to the Southern Rockies almost doubles the number of species, many of which are found in both regions.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-33-6

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Reptiles & Amphibians of Mojave Desert

Reptiles and Amphibians of the Mojave: A guide featuring 41 of the most commonly encountered reptiles and amphibians native to the Mohave Desert region of the southwestern United States.

Some of the rare and more unique species are included to underscore the biological importance of this interesting biome. The most current taxonomic and common names are used in this guide to assist the enthusiast in keeping abreast with the many changes in this dynamic field.

This guide covers Joshua Tree National Park, Death Valley National Park, Mojave National Preserve, Lake Mead, Lake Mohave, Lake Havasu, California State Park, Antelope Valley, California Poppy Reserve and many other areas.

Full color photographs and descriptions keying on important characters will help inexperienced and seasoned outdoors people to identify the animal. Species are grouped by similarity to each other which aides in quick comparisons of one animal to another.

Accompanying the photograph is information on distribution, behavior, diet, and size of each species of the southwestern United States featuring the most common species and some of the more interesting or unique species found in the area.

A photo of each species is included along with information on distribution, behavior, diet, and size.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-69-5

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