Reptiles & Amphibians of Colorado Plateau
A guide featuring 49 of the most commonly encountered reptiles and amphibians native to the Colorado Plateau region of the southwestern United States. Some of the rare and more unique species are included to underscore the biological importance of this interesting biome.
The most current taxonomic and common names are used in this guide to assist the enthusiast in keeping abreast with the many changes in this dynamic field.
This guide covers the following National Parks and Monuments; Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Arches, Black Gunnison (Black Canyon area), Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, Aztec Ruins, Canyon De Chelly, Canyons of the Ancients, Cedar Breaks, Parashant, Escalante, El Malpais, El Morro, Hovenweep, Navajo, Natural Bridges, Rainbow Bridge, Sunset Crater, Vermillion Cliffs, Walnut Canyon, and Wupatki in addition to many wilderness and protected areas.
Full color photographs and descriptions keying on important characters will help inexperienced and seasoned outdoors people to identify the animal. Species are grouped by similarity to each other which aides in quick comparisons of one animal to another.
Accompanying the photograph is information on distribution, behavior, diet, and size of each species.
ISBN: 978-1-936913-72-5
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Randy Babb is a biologist and an Arizona native. He is currently employed by Arizona Game and Fish Department.
He has worked on numerous studies and projects in Arizona, New Mexico, southeastern U.S., Mexico, Central America, Vietnam, and southern Africa on small mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians.
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