This colorful, educational guide is an excellent resource for identifying the shells, common sea beans and other coastal drift found in beach, lagoon and bay habitats. Great for all ages and is perfect for anyone who enjoys the coastal areas whether briefly visiting the beach to nature enthusiasts and beachcombers.
This conveniently sized guide features photographs grouped by color of some of Florida’s common, uncommon and highly sought shelled animals. Other aquatic coastal animals are also included, plus important information about the wrack line and the coastal drift treasures hidden there.
Common and scientific names, shell ranges, maximum sizes, and other features are described in this guide. Field identification assistance and educational tips are also presented. This pocket-sized, 12-panel, laminated, waterproof guide is great for outdoor coastal experiences.
ISBN: 978-1-936913-23-7
To flip through the electronic sample,
click the arrows.

As a Florida native, Brian grew up on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
During his childhood, he spent most of his spare time fishing along the beaches and bays of Florida’s west coast or roaming the woods looking for his next adventure.
After high school, he left Florida to become a Watercraft Operator for the US Army Reserves.
From early on, Brian was determined to find a profession that would satisfy his passion for wildlife and the outdoors. Being an environmental scientist and ecologist for the past 17 years has done just that.
With camera in tow, Brian eagerly treks through waist-high swamps, canoes around alligator tails and drives ATVs up steep banks excitedly awaiting his next nature adventure to unfurl.
Then, he brings his experiences back and shares them with others through environmental trainings, eco-tours and educational materials that he creates for his co-owned company, Sensing Nature®.
Jeanne Murphy, a professional wildlife biologist is happiest when teaching about nature through educational workshops/eco-tours, capturing moments in time through nature photography or just exploring nature at leisure.
After pursuing a bachelor degree in animal science and graduate courses in ichthyology, Jeanne has since spent years traveling and mapping wetland and upland habitats throughout the United States as well as working as a government wildlife biologist educating the public about the importance of natural systems and their inhabitants.
Now, Jeanne excitedly co-owns Sensing Nature® (a Florida environmental education, ecotourism and educational nature products company) with her husband Brian Lane.
As a certified instructor for the University of Florida’s Florida Master Naturalist Program and as an active community member, Jeanne believes that we can all make a positive difference in tomorrow’s environmental successes.