
Dragonflies of Florida

Dragonflies of Florida: People exploring nature in Florida can use this handy photographic field guide to identify common native dragonfly species. The Dragonflies in the guide are grouped by family and color to make identification as easy as possible, and the accompanying text indicates size and type , and other characteristics of each Dragonfly.

The guide’s six double-sided panels fold up into a packet narrow enough to fit in a back pocket yet sturdy enough to stand up under repeated use. Lamination has also made the guide waterproof.

Although many of the dragonflies shown in the field guide are found throughout the state of Florida, some are restricted to particular parts of the state. Their distribution within Florida is also shown in the text located under each species.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-47-3

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Dragonflies of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

Dragonflies of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia:  People exploring nature in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia can use this handy photographic field guide to help identify common native dragonfly species.

The dragonflies in the guide are grouped by family and color to make identification as easy as possible, and the accompanying text gives the size range of each species, approximate flight times, habitat preferences, and other characteristics of each dragonfly.

Although many of the dragonflies shown in the field guide are found throughout each state, some are restricted to particular parts of the states. Their distribution within each state is shown in the text located beneath each species.

The guide’s six double-sided panels fold up into a packet narrow enough to fit in a back pocket yet sturdy enough to stand up under repeated use. Lamination has also made the guide waterproof.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-86-2

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Dragonflies of Texas

Dragonflies of Texas: People exploring nature in Southeast Texas can use this handy photographic field guide to identify common native dragonfly species.

The Dragonflies in the guide are grouped by color to make identification as easy as possible, and the accompanying text indicates size and type , and other characteristics of each Dragonfly.

The guide’s six double-sided panels fold up into a packet narrow enough to fit in a back pocket yet sturdy enough to stand up under repeated use. Lamination has also made the guide waterproof.

The Dragonflies identified in Texas grow in a large area that includes Houston, Galveston, Beaumont, Jasper, Lufkin, Huntsville, Bryan, Brenham, La Grange, and many other nearby places.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-08-4

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Butterflies of Arkansas

Butterflies of Arkansas:  The Nature State has a variety of regions to explore for butterflies, including the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains, the Arkansas River Valley, as well as part of the Gulf Coastal Plain and Mississippi River Lowlands.  Nearly 170 kinds of butterflies have been reported from Arkansas.  The resident butterflies are primarily southern species, but some western and northern species are also represented.

Beautifully illustrated are 62 species of true butterflies and 22 species of skippers, and their caterpillars.  Ideal for the field, this folding, waterproof guide features color photos of the butterflies and caterpillars in a side-by-side format.  Common and scientific names, adult size, season when they can be found, and their caterpillar host plants are listed.  Tips on finding butterflies and caterpillars are given and the life cycle of the Gulf Fritillary is illustrated.

Featured are familiar butterflies such as the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Orange Sulphur, Red Admiral, Mourning Cloak, Monarch, Silver-spotted Skipper and less well-known species such as the Falcate Orangetip, Olympia Marble, Harvester, and Baltimore Checkerspot.  Arkansas’ State butterfly, the Diana Fritillary, is also shown.

Teachers, students, and nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy using this guide.

ISBN: 978-1-943334-98-8

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Butterflies of the Mid-Atlantic

This pocket-sized guide features sharp color photos in a side-by-side format that makes it ideal for field use.
Common and scientific names, adult wingspan, caterpillar host plants, caterpillars for each species, flight season for each entry are listed which it ideal for field use.
No other fold-out field guide contains as much information.

Both common and less common butterflies found in the Mid-Atlantic states are contained in this guide including several of the region’s unique species like Appalachian Azure, Baltimore Checkerspot, Carolina Satyr and Mulberry Wing.

Nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy using this marvelous guide appropriate to Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, District of Columbia as well as parts of New Jersey, New York, and North Carolina.

This 12-panel guide, conveniently folds up in to a packet narrow enough to fit in a back pocket, glove box, or tackle box yet sturdy enough to stand up under repeated use—durable lamination also makes it waterproof. Size: 4”x 9” folded; 9” x 24.5” unfolded.

ISBN: 978-1-943334-89-6

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