Butterflies of North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia

Butterflies of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia: A Guide to Common and Notable Species. This waterproof guide beautifully illustrates over 80 species of butterflies and their caterpillars found in North carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

The pocket-sized guide features color photos in a side-by-side format that makes it ideal for field use. This region has many beautiful butterflies such as the Zabulon Skipper, Mourning Cloak, and Diana Fritillary, which can be easily identified with the guide.

Common and scientific names, adult size, season when they can be found, and their caterpillar host plants are listed. Tips on finding butterflies and caterpillars are given and the life cycle of the Gulf Fritillary is illustrated. Nature enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy using this guide.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-29-9

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