Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay

Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay: A Guide to Freshwater and Saltwater Species is for anglers and nature enthusiasts alike. Featured are 60 common freshwater and saltwater species of fish occurring in the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.
The illustrations are arranged so that comparison of similar species is easy. The accompanying text accurately indicates size, distinguishing features and habitat.
This 12-panel, laminated, waterproof guide is sturdy enough to stand up under repeated use and folds to an easy-to-carry pocket-size—a handy complement to any boat or tackle box.
ISBN: 978-1-936913-94-7
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Craig Springer is a biologist and writer, living in northern New Mexico.
Joseph Tomelleri graduated from Fort Hays State University (Hays, KS) in 1984 with a M.S. in biology. After working briefly as a field biologist, Joe took to illustrating fishes full time.
He has drawn scientific illustrations of more than 1000 fishes from actual specimens, most of which he has collected and photographed in the wild. His drawings have appeared in more than 750 publications.
He is a lousy photographer and races bicycles in his spare time. Joe lives in Leawood, Kansas with his wife Susan and their two sons—who rarely, if ever, listen to their mom and dad. and
Diane Rome Peebles grew up in Louisiana and attended Tulane University where she studied biological illustration, art history and the natural sciences.
She graduated in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Biological Illustration and moved to Florida with her husband, a marine biologist.
Because of her lifelong love of fishing, she decided to choose ichthyology as her illustration specialty. Her watercolor fish illustrations are in high demand for conservation, nature and scientific publications.
Her oil paintings have been featured on state and conservation fishing stamps, magazine covers, and books.
She continues to prioritize projects that enhance conservation of our natural resources, and supports many organizations and charities with her time and donation of artwork.
Diane currently serves as Vice President of the Florida Foundation for Responsible Angling.
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