Plants, Trees and Wildflowers

Wildflowers of New York City, including Central Park and Long Island

With more than 90 close-up, brilliant photos grouped by color, this guide is your key to understanding when and where flowers bloom, which are native to southern New York State, and which you may want to add to your own garden for a non-stop, season-long riot of color.

Loaded with wildflowers that thrive in city parks, on saltwater beaches, in urban and suburban gardens, in forests and pine barrens, and in fertile wetlands, this guide becomes your go-to reference. Text about each flower provides a list of characteristics—from petal arrangement to height—to help you tell one flower from another.

This laminated, double-sided, six-panel guide turns every nature walk or Sunday bike ride into an exciting learning experience.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-19-0

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Wildflowers of the Western Chesapeake

Wildflowers of the Western Chesapeake: Washington DC, Maryland & Virginia Packed with vivid color photographs, novice and expert wildflower enthusiasts alike can use this handy field guide to identify 103 common and rare wildflower species found in the region surrounding the western shores of the Chesapeake Bay.

The flowers in this guide are grouped by color to make identification as easy as possible, and the accompanying text indicates size, bloom period, and other characteristics of each plant. There is also special notation for plants that are Rare, Threatened, or Endangered.

The guide’s 12 panels fold to pocket-size yet with its waterproof lamination it’s sturdy enough to stand up to repeated use.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-92-3

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Wildflowers of the Southern Rocky Mountains

Encompassing a multitude of National Parks, Monuments, National Forests and Wilderness Areas, the southern Rocky Mountains are celebrated for striking alpine scenery and contain the highest mountains in the Rocky Mountain system.

A dazzling display of native wildflowers cloaks meadows, mountains, forests and streams in this region that stretches from southern Wyoming through Colorado and into northern New Mexico.

Striking color photographs portray a cross section of this rich diversity, with text describing key identifying features such as size, habitat and blooming period with reference to similar species.


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Wildflowers of the Northern Rocky Mountains

This area includes 3 major National Parks (Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Glacier/Waterton), plus a host of mountain ranges – from the Wasatch and Uintas of Northern Utah to the Canadian border.

Almost 100 beautiful species have been chosen to illustrate the enormous range of colors and forms that are to be found from the valleys up to almost 14,000 feet. Vivid color photographs are supplemented by text describing key features such as size, habitat and blooming period.

A companion guide to the Southern Rockies almost doubles the number of species, many of which are found in both regions.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-12-1

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Wildflowers of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

This area includes 3 major National Parks (Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Glacier/Waterton), plus a host of mountain ranges – from the Wasatch and Uintas of Northern Utah to the Canadian border.

Almost 100 beautiful species have been chosen to illustrate the enormous range of colors and forms that are to be found from the valleys up to almost 14,000 feet. Vivid color photographs are supplemented by text describing key features such as size, habitat and blooming period.

A companion guide to the Southern Rockies almost doubles the number of species, many of which are found in both regions.

ISBN: 978-1-936913-33-6

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